One Stop Shop for Trademarks and Designs
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About MarkPoint-One

I am an independent official Benelux and EU trademark and design attorney. I have been working as an intellectual property advisor since 1998 and I have a passion for all areas of intellectual property law. In addition to protecting trademarks and designs, I also take care of patent applications under the flag of PatentPunt Eindhoven. I work together with PatentPunt Hengelo and PatentPunt Rotterdam, thereby providing national coverage. 

I think it is very important to offer you the best service for the best price. If you want to expand your trademark, design or patent outside the Netherlands, I often handle this myself or use my partner network Aalbun IP. Even then, I will remain your contact person as much as possible, so we can communicate in your own language. 

Aalbun is an international organization with IP teams in the UK, USA, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Poland and India and with services in more than 50 countries and in all areas of intellectual property. We work under the motto: accessible, short lines, fast action. The affiliated companies have been selected based on these properties.

For German trademark and patent applications and European patent representation, I like to work with a skilled and reliable German partner. I can and may be a legal representative for Benelux and EU trademarks and designs.


More about patents

